Capacitor Lab was developed to cultivate new and relevant performance concepts in a think-tank format: engineers, scientists, designers, and philosophers, experts in their fields, exchange ideas and share knowledge with a small team of artists.
Through a rigorous process of discussions and debates, typically over the course of a year, the Capacitor Lab brings a broader outlook to the creative process for each of our works, providing a vehicle for ongoing creative ferment and critical feedback for new work.
By engendering dialogue around contemporary technological and scientific issues, we strive to go beyond the surface level understanding of our topic and then transform that understanding into our vision. The resulting performance piece is not meant to be true to science or demonstrative, but a creative response to the issues and ideas explored by the participants. The Lab provides a jumping off point for the abstractions and creative musings of the artists.
We are grateful to following organizations for hosting our Capacitor Labs in the past:
California Academy of Sciences
UCSF Neuroscape Lab
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
Djerassi Artist Colony
Gray Area Foundation For The Arts
Zaccho Dance Theater
The Lab SF