Sponsorship Opportunities
If you have a specific passion or resource, you can tell us how you would like to allocate your contributions. Here are some ways you can help.
Sponsor a performer. We welcome you to cover the artist fees for a performer for 3 months, a year, or one show.
Sponsor a tour. Donate frequent flyer miles. Cover the cost of freight. Helps us pay for local transportation.
Donate Storage Space. We are in critical need of 10 cubic feet of storage space for our costumes, objects, and props which we could access once a week.
Please contact Development Director Suzanne Dean if you are interested.
Ongoing Support
Steve Scher
William Jon Shipley
Capacitor Creator Circle
Maya Bourdeau
Carolyn Dille & Dick Walvis
Thomas Parenty
Anthony Kwiecien
Melinda Harris
Nancy Quinn
Teresa Sumiyoshi
Martha Armstrong
Ben Gross
Danny Yadegar
Carolyn Dille & Dick Walvis
Rory Riggs
William Jon Shipley
RJ Muna
David Hannan
Kimon Tsinteris
David Westen
Underwater Dance Film Kickstarter
Maudie McCormick
Edythe Poyner
Margaret Poyner Galbraith
Pat Bellinghausen
Lynn Portnoff
Sophie & Mike Martuscello
Daniel Pike
Sarah Jane Pell
Melissa Cliver
Dom Apollon
Tiffany Shlain
Basem Moussa
Chan Pike
Tiffany Yee
Jared Makana Nielson
Tom Tripp
Fadi Bishara
Andi Wong
Paul F Zendzian
Shamsher Virk
Kris Homsher
Floris Vermeir
Shell Construction Kickstarter
William Jon Shipley
Rory Riggs
Joan Lomask
David Nakabayashi
Pat Wright
Jesse Lomask
Mort Lomask
Marisa Rajapakse
Carolyn Dille
Fadi Bishara
Michelle Kennedy
Jeffrey Krause
Glenn Weikert
Julia Ogrydziak
Amelia Rudolph
The Perfect Flower
East Coast Tour
Joan Lomask
Mr and Mrs Smith
Individual Donors
Kelvin Lee
Brady Kroupa
Joseph Lomask
Joan Finch Lomask
Carolyn Dille/Dick Walvis
Laura Geer
William Kaschub
Marisa and Ravi Rajapakse
Matthew Hermon Hollis
Jim Edgell
Scott Adams
Nader Vossoughian
Nancy Gershwin
Wanda and Bob Moeller
Elizabeth Creighton
Lynn Portnoff
Cora Portnoff
Shirley Eng
Sue and Bobby MacVeety
Jane Stein
Kirsten Telemarque
Katie Diamond
Eszter Erdelyi/Carey White
Marcia Kimpton
Jay Kravitz
Morton Lomask
Ulrike Narins
Tiffany Shlain/Webby Awards
Kirsten Sims